Best Laser Treatment For Piles

Piles or Hemorrhoids are a result of swollen blood vessels and/or tissues at the bottom of the rectum. The anal region is full of glands, tissues, nerve endings, and blood vessels. When an excess amount of pressure is laid in the area due to diarrhea, constipation, lifting heavy weights or due to any other reason, it can result in the formation of piles. Piles are categorized as internal and external depending on the place of their growth. Internal piles form on the inner lining of the anus and rectum while external piles can be seen around the anus. Mild piles may not show any symptoms but in most cases, piles cause itching, irritation, pain, inflammation of the area and even blood. There are various nonsurgical and surgical methods to treat piles. Rubber band ligation, freezing of piles, or cutting them off with an energy beam are some of the options. The latest method of treating piles is ‘Treatment of piles using laser technology. This is an advanced technology and DR. Rajiv Bansal at MEENAKSHI BANSAL CLINIC, one of the best-experienced doctors was quick to adopt laser treatment for his patients at MEENAKSHI BANSAL CLINIC.

For more details please contact us! 9871588677.

  • Best Laser Treatment For Piles in Madipur
  • Laser Treatment For Piles in Madipur
  • Best Laser Treatment Clinic For Piles in Madipur
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